Experimental studies on spin-related properties in solids and material search. We synthesize “quantum” materials such as magnetic semiconductors, quantum dots, topological insulators, clarify their spin-related properties, and also develop novel materials, aiming at applications for spintronics.
Fabrication and spectroscopic investigations of nanostructured semiconductors, such as quantum dots, organic-inorganic complexes, nano-carbon hybrids, and perovskites, to explore new optical functionalities.
Development, characterization, elucidation of mechanism, and control of performance of organic and perovskite devices using functional organic and perovskite materials and characterization methods such as electron spin resonance spectroscopy, optics, and transport.
Research on electronic and optical property in strongly correlated electron material and topological material. Searching new quantum phenmena and functions by using stateof-the-art material synthesis technique and spectroscopy.
Experimental studies on quantum devices by using high-Tc superconductors are our main subject. For example, we have been developed high-Tc superconducting THz emitters.
We study electron-phonon interaction in the quantum para-electric materials and terahertzlight emission from the stacking Josephson junctions in superconductors.
We focus on magnetic semiconductors as promising materials for spintronic devices. To realize novel semiconductors with roomtemperature ferromagnetism, we fabricate samples by precise crystal growth methods such as molecular beam epitaxy.
We are studying on glass physics and ferroelectrics using integrated THz-band spectroscopy (infrared, Raman scattering, Brillouin scattering). In the present work, we focus on boson peak and fractal dynamics which are universal features of glassy materials in the THz region.