Materials Physics and Engineering

Researchers in Materials Physics are searching for ways to control atomic arrangements and bonding states of materials, and developing revolutionary functional materials.
Kizuka Lab.

Development of heat resistance materials for aircrafts and jet engines, carbon fiber-reinforced plastic, nanowires, photovoltaic power generation and light emitting nanodevices, and single molecular devices by electron microscopy.


Kim-Tasaki Lab.

Our group focuses on the development of novel functional alloys including shape memory alloys, superelastic alloys, gum metals, biomedical Ti-base alloys, etc. by controlling atomic arrangement, crystal structure, nano structure, alloy composition and heat-treatment.


Tokoro Lab.

The objective of our research is to develop novel materials with advanced light-responsive functionalities, accompanying changes of optical, magnetic, and electric properties. Metal complexes and metal oxides are the main target materials in our research.


Koyano Lab.
Research on phase transformation and microstructure of high nitrogen steel. Our goal is production of the low alloy steel for automobile and molds without comprising rare metals.


Yoshikazu Suzuki Lab.

Towards energy and environmental applications, we are developing novel inorganic materials, such as 1D nanomaterials and 3D-network structured porous materials, under the concept of “environmentallyfriendly and low-cost processing.”

Tanimoto Lab.(Nanostructured Materials)

Investigations of the novel properties observed for nanostructured materials such as metallic thin films, nanocrystalline metals, metallic ultrafine particles and amorphous alloys.

Takahashi Lab.

Using quantum beam (X-ray, neutron, and electron beam), we study atomic arrangements, bonding states, local structure and phase transitions in strongly correlated materials such as magnetic alloys to uncover their novel phenomena from the view point of structural physics.


Carbon Nanomaterials Research Group(Hiromichi Kataura)
(Nanosystem Research Institute (NRI))

We are investigating physical properties of single-wall carbon nanotubes which were born in Tsukuba in 1993, towards novel industrial applications utilizing there intrinsic high performance using our precise structure sorting technique.